Strategic Consultancy

The Funding Opportunities Advisory Group boasts an extremely experienced team of specialist consultants with a rich technical and business background. We can advise and support you in delivering successful projects. Our consultants take a strategic approach and can work with you on individual tasks or throughout the project cycle, from assessing opportunities to monitoring and evaluation and commercialisation. The FOAG team are flexible and imaginative, and because of our vast experience, can address difficult (wicked) challenges where other consultants or your own team may have struggled.

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For more information
Please Contact:

Agim Tonuzi, Chief Executive Officer,
Funding Opportunities Advisory Group
Tel: 00 33 (0)6 26 01 02 78

Before The Project

For companies with a clear product or service idea we can provide you with a thorough calculation of market volume, comprehensive details on the market size, identification of main segments within that market, and analysis of the main needs of segments identified. This can include:- a 360-degree comparison of main existing and potential competitors; an assessment of unique selling points of your product(s) relevant for the needs identified; an assessment of barriers for market entry, etc.
Preparation of a technology development roadmap analysing the current state-of-the-art of your company and tracking emergence and development of trends in your sector so that you can be at the forefront of your competitors in a 3-year timeframe. It comprises: 1) An identification of the R&D projects required (objectives, challenges, innovation), 2) An identification of the capacities and resources needed, 3) A definition of a feasible workplan scheduling all the projects identified in the 3-year timeframe.
Once the SRA is clearly defined, the next step is an assessment of approaches to funding and financing the necessary research and development. If appropriate, identification of the most suitable public funding programmes as per the characteristics of your company, your ambition, the type of projects, the timing, the socio-political context, etc.
Comprehensive consultancy on all angles of the model supporting a business growth strategy: identification and definition of key partners, key resources, key activities, cost structure, value proposition, channels, customer relationships, customer segments and the revenue model.

During The Project

Setup and operation of a Project Management Office in charge of controlling the budget execution, the progress achieved as compared to the workplan as well as the fulfilment of the objectives of the project.
Specialised support by our experts for project delivery in a wide range of areas (Civil engineering, Digital technologies, Energy efficiency, Life sciences and Health, etc)
High-level assessment on the management of the (foreground) knowledge generated during the project, with special focus on the protection of the Intellectual Property outcomes of the project.
High-level assessment on the strategy for accomplishing a very effective dissemination of the results of a project or to promote the products or services developed, as per its type, the audiences sought after, your specific, marketing goals, etc, including identification of relevant events, social media strategies, etc.
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy for tracking outputs and outcomes of the project, including preparing baseline assessments, using a range of qualitative and quantitative evaluation techniques.

After The Project

Definition of a strategy aimed at achieving significant market take-up of an innovative product or service, considering the characteristics of the product, the market and segments targeted, the partners required, the customer channels envisaged, the relationships to be established, etc.